WORNThe word, “fashion” is descended from the same roots as “fasten” and “facilitate” and once meant something along the lines of “creation by means of bundling and tying” but has (in the last 50 or so years) come to be synonymous with “trendy.” Styles now go in and out of fashion. Worn strives to get back to that earlier meaning, and discover what is of lasting value about clothing and style.
Worn plays a unique role by bringing a political, environmental, historical and cultural context to fashion. Pushing boundaries of collaboration and authorship with fashion magazine tropes like the photo story, Worn expands traditional relationships between models, designers, writers, photographers and illustrators. By exploring where art and fashion overlap, connecting with Fashion scholars and artists, and paying attention to how what is worn gets made, interpreted, transformed, disseminated and copied, Worn opens new avenues in art theory.